Day-22 : Getting Started with Jenkins

Day-22 : Getting Started with Jenkins

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a tool that is used for automation. It is mainly an open-source server that allows all the developers to build, test and deploy software. It is written in Java and runs on java only. By using Jenkins we can make a continuous integration of projects(jobs) or end-to-endpoint automation.

Why Organizations use Jenkins?

  1. Jenkins is flexible.

  2. You can add the any no. of plugins you want to add to the Jenkins.

  3. You can automate the processes of CI/CD pipelines of all the projects.

How to install Jenkins in Linux?

Pls follow the instruction mentioned in the below article to install Jenkins based on flavor of your Linux os


Create a freestyle pipeline to print "Hello World!!

What Is Jenkins Freestyle Project?

Jenkins freestyle project is an configuration and options based project which will allows you to build,test, and deploy the application with automation by selecting the required configuration based on the requirement following are the some of the available in the freestyle project.

  1. Building and testing code

  2. Packaging applications

  3. Deploying applications to production servers

  4. Running reports

Jenkins Portal

To start creating a free style project, click on New item icon and mention item name and select item type as free style project.

Under general category give description of project, we will explore advance features later

Skip source code management and trigger for now, we will explore it later

Skip environment section for now and under build select how you to want to build the project

I have selected build option as execute shell to execute command which I want to print post building the project

Click on save and apply

Click on build now to build your project

Go to Builds and open the console output to check your build information

Check the output and status of your build job and check whether you are getting the information you need or not

Ensure that you give proper commands in your build-step to print the output you need.